Womens Eductaion -need of hour
Women have always been discriminated by the society and have always had to struggle for their rights. The right to education being one of them. Women, especially in India, have mostly been reprieved of this right since ages, due to different reasons primarily, due to social and economical ones. In spite of the fact that the country has produced very outstanding women in almost every field, our society has still not accepted the right to women’s education whole heartedly.
The first school a child ever attends is a woman – the mother. If the mother herself is uneducated, little can be expected from the child too. Most of the psychologists agree to the fact that the personality and character of a person is shaped at before he / she reaches the age of 7 or 8. In the rest of the life he/she can gain qualifications, experience and wisdom. But the basis of his personality and character are shaped at a very small age. And till this age, a child has no other stronger influence than his mother`s. If a mother is educated, she can shape the character and personality of her child in a very positive way. Of course, an uneducated woman also does try to do her best for the child, but being educated has a distinct advantage of its own. Educated women thus form the basis of the society as a whole. So it’s a must that we try to let girls get proper education is we need to prosper.
GIO (Girls Islamic Organization), Maharashtra Zone observes a week long campaign every year dedicated to this noble cause.During this campaign we meet the dropped girls, and try to convince them to continue their education. We try to meet their parents and make them aware of various government schemes for girls’ education. Lectures, seminars and talks are organized to create awareness among people towards this cause. We invite people from all backgrounds and faiths to join us, and put in their ideas towards realizing a dream – a dream of 100% female education in India.